Organization Name | | Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil operations (ADCO) |
The Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil operations (ADCO) functions throughout onshore development sites as well as in the shallow coastal waters of Abu Dhabi.
Company was incorporated in 1978 to oversee operations in onshore
concession areas covering approximately 21,000 square kilometers
including five of the most important mainland oilfields in the region.
During the first quarter of 2006, the inauguration of the North East BAB
has been started.
| Ensure quality control of acquired and processed data and the adequacy of acquisition and processing techniques. Includes: directing/
participating in the categorization / standardization (for open hole
formation evaluation) and the selection of appropriate sensors (for
cased hole reservoir and well performance monitoring) for data
acquisition; establishing and updating procedures and standard presentation for data acquisition; reviewing
and recommending configuration of down hole tools to ensure safe
operation and comprehensive / representative coverage of data across
zones of interest; Performing
ongoing review and update of existing data quality control procedure
and monitor its application to maintain consistent acquired data
quality; Developing procedures, quality checks and standards for digitizing all forms of Petrophysical data.
Controls and directs all activities related to acquisition strategy of Petrophysical data. Includes:reviewing available data to develop and verify formation evaluation and reservoir characterization model; verifying / modifying existing approach / parameters to quantify uncertainties; recommending, justifying new data acquisition and processing;
/ optimize data for reservoir and well performance monitoring,
corrosion detection /evaluation and down hole well problem diagnosis.
Ensure effective maintenance of Petrophysical data archiving and retention in various format (digital, film and hard copies)
Petrophysical data handling and processing techniques for single well
or multi wells (key wells or field wide) basis. Includes:developing of processing models; ensuring consistency in the applied calculation parameters. Optimization
of rock physical properties for accurate formation evaluation,
reservoir characterization and reservoir’s monitoring.
abreast of technological developments in the field of Petrophysics.
Identifies new technologies and evaluates their potential application,
recommends their testing and introduction when justified
Liaises with wire line logging contractors to enhance usage of resources in a cost effective manner.